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What's a nice girl like me doing in a place like this?
Well, [ahem], actually, I'm using this site to show off my stuff. I've recently moved into the field of graphic facilitation and wanted a place where I could post my work without the expense of creating a full website. One day when I've polished up my profile, fleshed out my portfolio and come up with wise-sounding things to say about my work, I'll put it all on a well-designed website and proudly invite you to visit it. Meanwhile, this blog gives me a nice central place to store and showcase my work, post my musings about art and communication, and feel pleasantly 'official'.
As an aside, it's amazing how being published – even self-published – instantly makes you feel like you've arrived! What do you suppose it is? The simple fact of seeing your name in print? Or is it the transition from the private and personal to the public – declaring "Here I am" and having others acknowledge that, yes, here you are indeed?
Well, whatever – here I unquestionably am. And here's some of what I've done so far in this new (to me) and fascinating pursuit...
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