Well, never mind. That's not what I came here to write. If I'm going to ruminate about the vagaries of time, I will do it on the phone with my friends or in the journals I no longer have time to write. This is my Show n' Tell space for my graphic recording work and my ruminations thereon. And so, on that note...
It's been an amazingly busy month with lots of interesting gigs – I can hardly believe how quickly things are coming together! Since the last time I posted, I graphically recorded a conference on storytelling, another BC Healthy Communities session, a curriculum planning session for Leadership Vancouver, a community meeting on literacy, and a regional roundtable for Spirit of BC, among other things. And I did a graphic recording demo at "Quality in Action," the annual conference of the BC Centre for Quality. (The latter ably co-facilitated by my coach and friend Evan Renaerts.)
And it's just going to get busier in June, which is a head-spinning thought. I'm scheduled to do five-count-em-5 more sessions for Spirit of BC, and they're going to be all over the province, which is hugely exciting to me. I've long wanted to see more of my home province, and this will get me started. Not that there will be time to see much more than the conference rooms we're working in – but at least I'll get a glimpse of the scenery on the way to and from the airport! But more about those after they're done. Meanwhile, here are a couple of the things I've done in the past 6 weeks…
And this one was prepared in advance for a roundtable on literacy, to provide a snapshot of the Burnaby community.
Oh, there's lots more! But I'll save them for another post. And will try not to let a month elapse between postings...oy.